How to Optimise Your Shopify Store for Gen Z Using Student Discounts

A lot of brands have a mountain of untapped opportunity within their younger generation of customers. Students are price-conscious, but fashion and trend-focused, and are known to remain loyal to companies who treat them well as a student long after they have graduated. Here are our top 6 tips for optimising your website for the student demographic.

How to benefit from Student Discounts on Shopify

If your customer base consists of a lot of Gen Z or students, this post is for you. A lot of brands have a mountain of untapped opportunity within their younger generation of customers. Students are price-conscious, but fashion and trend-focused, and are known to remain loyal to companies who treat them well as a student long after they have graduated.

This article will explore opportunities and buying habits of students, and 6 top tips for how you can capitalise on their spending habits now to win lifelong brand advocates using student discounts on Shopify.


  • 75% of students plan to spend during Black Friday 🤑

  • 97% of students will look for a student discount when Xmas shopping 🎄

  • 90% of students would consider shopping with a new brand IF they are offered a student discount 🛍

  • 77% of students will use student discounts to cut back on their spending 🫰

So, what optimisations can you make to your Shopify store in response to Gen Z's spending habits this winter?

1️⃣Upgrade your Student Discount CTA

  • 89% of student spending is with brands promoting their own student discounts.
  • Brands who improve their CTA messaging have seen:
  • 309% more student sales
  • 20% increase in AOV
  • 67% of students shopping again in 30 days

2️⃣Keep your imagery fresh

  • Keep in line with seasonality
  • Ensure that it’s relevant to what you’re currently offering a discount on

3️⃣Highlight specific products on offer

  • If your offer is available across multiple products, highlight them all in your messaging

4️⃣Shout about your offer on social media

  • Using email marketing, social media, and everywhere possible
  • Segment students into their own lists
  • 69% of students want to be told about discounts via email
  • Students and Gen Z spend their days scrolling, so speak to them in their natural habitat

5️⃣Include “Student” keywords in your search bar

  • 92% of students check for discounts while they shop
  • Use keywords like “student” “student discount” “student coupon”

6️⃣Offer percentage discount rather than monetary

  • Students prefer not to be tied into a specific spend
  • They are likely to spend more if they know they are getting a percentage off that is proportional to their spend

Still need to add Student Discounts to your Shopify store? Consider our 5-star rated Shopify app, Easy Student Discounts to offer discounts to 10,000+ universities globally with no fees until they actually make a purchase 🌍

The screenshot below is from one of our merchants after 2.5 months of using Easy Student Discounts 🤯