How to Boost Your Business’ Shopify Store With a Blog

Adding a blog to your site is an easy way to boost your Shopify store through better SEO, heightened customer engagement, and increased traffic.

How Regular Blogs Can Increase Your Site Traffic and Sales

Selling products often accompanies selling a lifestyle, which means demonstrating to potential buyers expertise in your e-commerce niche’s realm. Blogs are one way businesses create content that encourages consumers to choose their product. By adding blogs, you’re adding content that matches your products and accompanies a desired lifestyle. When consumers stumble upon articles that fit their search queries in terms of informational content, the chance of converting them into customers is much higher. Blogs can be shared amongst buyers, as well as shared on public platforms — both of which improve customer engagement and increase traffic. Additionally, blogs improve a site’s SEO, or search engine optimisation. Adding written content to your site that encompasses volume and quality info is a definitive way to rank higher for relevant searches. Let’s take a look at what blogs encompass and how your Shopify store can create one.

What Type of Content Should Go in Blogs?

No need to question what blogs are; you’re looking at one! Blogs are online articles written in an informational yet casual style. Once you’ve made the commitment to creating a blog, you’ll need to decide what type of content to include. Here’s some content categories to get you brainstorming for your brand’s blog.

Industry Tips

A popular form of content is industry tips. Whatever your business’ niche is, offer advice about it — your customers will find it helpful and interesting! If you’re a business-to-business brand (B2B), this may be informational content on, say, how to choose a business insurance type or pick a marketing package amongst the many you offer.

For business-to-consumer (B2C) companies, industry tips may include how to succeed in the category your business creates products in. For instance, if you run a jewelry brand, it may be helpful to write articles on how to pair jewelry pieces, what colors to match to gold or silver jewelry, or upcoming fashion trends.

Lifestyle Pieces

A phenomenal way to show off your company is to demonstrate your tangential relationship with the lifestyle that goes alongside your products. In this manner, you create a psychological reaction where customers feel that your items, goods, or services will help them achieve an ideal lifestyle that they are aspiring towards.

One example would be a retail brand that sells beachwear writing articles on the best beaches to visit, or how to take up surfing. Another example is a Shopify store that sells cookbooks that writes blogs about must-have kitchen tools, methods for becoming a better baker, or an article on how to multitask in the kitchen.

There is some overlap between lifestyle and industry tips, but you’ll find that lifestyle blogs are more personal. They’re often articles companies will outsource to professionals or influencers.

Promotional Articles

You may think that no one wants to read an article just for it to feel like an ad — and you’d be right. With that said, having articles that show off your products with the right tone can be beneficial, and you can be promotional without overselling.

You could create “Top 10” lists of the products most advantageous for, say, camping. Another concept could be how to use your products, especially if they’re more unique. The latter may be helpful for those with personal care products. For instance, a face lotion brand could write an article on how to use their lotion within a skin care routine.

How to Start a Blog

Luckily for businesses, starting a blog doesn’t take too much work. When you’re passionate about your Shopify store, it’s easy to find topics and make it happen! If you’ve read over the above content options and are starting to feel inspired, then follow the steps below to begin the blog process.

Pick Topics and a Name

Step one is to pick the topics you’ll be writing about, and address how they relate to your company. It can be helpful to list your blogs out and plan topics ahead of time. This will ensure consistent writing that covers all facets of your business; you won’t want blogs on just one category of products! You’ll also need to pick a name for your blog. Many companies use puns and play off of their own company names. Shoot for something original, and do a quick online search to make sure the blog name isn’t being used yet.

Add Blogs to Your Shopify Store

Adding a blog to your Shopify store is a nice and simple process. To do so, go to the Online Store portion of your Shopify admin section. From there, go to Blog Posts and click “Manage Blogs.” You’ll have an option to add a blog, which is called “News” by default. You can change the name, and decide how viewers will be able to leave comments. Additionally, there is the option to create custom blog templates. You can learn more about how to add a blog in this article from Shopify’s Help Center.

Drive Traffic and Advertise

Don’t create a blog and keep it under wraps! Chances are, your content is useful, especially for those that choose your products. There are many ways to increase traffic to your blog. Encourage viewers to check it out by adding buttons to the homepage that link to the blog, or add it as a clickable link in a marketing email. By putting your blog at the forefront of your marketing measures, you’ll find your customers spending more time on your website and therefore, spending more time buying.

Create Consistent Content

Attaining blog subscribers in itself is a marketing feat, and keeping them can be where some Shopify storefronts fall short. Keeping up with your blog is the best way to maintain regular readers. It’s generally advised to post a blog no less than once a week, which helps a blog appear consistent in the eyes of both customers and search engines. Additionally, it’s imperative to follow SEO best practices for writing blogs, including adding keyword-appropriate headers, meta tiles, and meta descriptions! Learn more about SEO ranking, tools, and implementation in a different blog of ours here.

Consider Radiant’s Marketing and Copy Skills

Radiant helps Shopify companies improve their marketing efforts each and every day. Our team consists of professionals with all of the ability to create visual and written content that increases how you rank in terms of search engine optimisation as well as improving how your customers see your brand’s expertise. From writing blog copy itself to creating custom blog template pages, our team of Shopify experts can help transform your store. Contact us today to get started on a new blog, or to develop, design, and optimise your Shopify store!

Further Reading